Scuba Diving La Paz

If you want to live invaluable moments of connection with nature that will remain in your memories, and get immerse into the world of underwater wonders, scuba diving in La Paz is what you need!

Why to practice scuba diving in La Paz?

La Paz is the capital of the state of Baja California, there is no doubt that it’s a place with one of the most special marine environments in all the world! This because of the great amount of marine species that live there or visit this zone during different dates of the year, fact that makes this destination unique for the divers of all the world that visit this wonderful place. Among the activities that attract divers, there is diving in natural reefs, diving in sunken ships, diving with sea lions, diving with whale sharks, etc. There are activities for every type of divers, from basic to advanced divers with more experience. In addition to the marine species mentioned before, you can find giant rays, and more tan 5 species of whales that migrate seasonally. La Paz is one of the favorite destinations for whale watchers in the world. Even if you just want to relax, you can enjoy the peace and tranquility of the blue waters in the beaches of La Paz in Baja California.

Choose your favorite Scuba Diving La Paz tour

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Why to dive with Squalo Divers?

At Squalo Divers we help you organize your trip to La Paz, where you will undoubtedly live a natural adventure that will bring you a lot of unforgettable moments!